November 20, 2008


So I'm way behind on posting. I did Kelseys shoot a few weeks ago when the weather was still decent. It was very fun.. once she got used to being in front of the camera I got some fabulous shots :)


Megan said...

Hannah, all these pictures are amazing! You have such an eye, I am so impressed! Thanks for commenting on my site. And just so you know, the extra cookies are no problem... It makes me laugh to find out what she is up to when I'm not around :) Thanks so much for watching the kids, we really appreciate you, your sisters, Austin, Timothy and Madison. Thanks!!

elena said...

these are so beautiful - I love the tones and I just love your vision!

Wiseman Photography said...

Just stumbled upon your site and blog and might I say that I absolutely love it. I wish that I was 18 again and was pursuing my photography career, but I'm a little late in the game. Love your work!!!

RPO Intern said...

Hey, you've been a contact of mine on Flickr for a long time but I never use it anymore. I went back today to look for new blogs to read and I came across your name again. On your profile it says that you're 18...I'm also 18 and I've also started my own business. I've never met anyone else who doing professional photography so young so I thought I would leave you a note to say hi :] I love your photos and will keep an eye out for your next update.

Kelsey J Photography said...

Crazy...your a contact of my on flickr and I recently started my own blog too. Cool to know that you and the above girl that commented is 18 too, and has started a business, I'm the same. Check my blog and add me. Its kind of bare though, and BTW- how do I make a Blog Addictions section so I can post different photographers I like...I can't figure it out :(

Thanks C Ya