December 12, 2007

Long time...

... no post!! Wow... I've been busy with school, and honestly, I haven't taken a whole lot of pictures lately. I feel like I've been stuck in a very long rut... but thankfully, I think I'm starting to pull out of it. In my art class we were given the assignment for a narrative... I chose to use photography (of course) and I came up with the idea to use Bulimia as my "story". I finished the project tonight and I am SO happy with the results... the storyboard is very long; I wasn't really sure of the right way to do it, but I'm happy with it. I'll include the link on here to open in a new window just because it's so long :)

I did some Snowball pictures for my friend and her group of friends... that was fun. I also did pictures for my friends play, Charlie Brown, and those pictures went in the newspaper!! That was super exciting. Hmm, that's really all I've done lately... the weather has been terrible, and by the time I get home from school, it's just about dark out... I've got to start using the weekends more!!!

Here's the link to my art project:


Heather said...

The art project is amazing and yah I was wondering what happened to Hannah I haven't seen anything from you much lately but I understand school and stuff is driving me insane also! But gosh the art project is so different and I really love it, I wish we could do that for art. I expected that when I went in but I don't know our art class kind of sucks. Next year in college for sure I will though :D

Prajeshsen said...

my wishes in 2008
12 months of HAPPINESS
52 weeks of FUN
365 days of SUCCESS
8760 hours GOOD HEALTH
52600 minutes of GOOD LUCK
3153600seconds of JOY
wish you agreat happy new yearrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 2008

Cait said...


WoW! I just heard about your flikr site through a friend and I must say, I am embarrassed and yet challenged. You are my age, and yet sooooo far ahead of me. I would love to talk with you some time and soak up any advice you might have for me.

Great job and keep shooting!
