Things have been slow. I'm dying for new shoots but not sure how to get my name out there. Word of mouth was great for a while, but now what? I ask myself that A LOT. I'm praying things change and business starts heading my way.
On a more exciting note... I'm getting a whole new look. New logo, business cards, all new colors! I'm so excited. Elena of Crossover Creations is doing my transformation :) She asked me if I would want to swap pictures of her family for a new logo and I said yes! She is amazing... what she has created for me is better than I could have ever imagined. I can't wait to start re-doing everything and actually having a real style and business look.
I officially have a website... I love it :) It's been live since about December, but I never posted it on here... oops.
Now for some photos. I finished of my friend Laurens senior pictures the other day. I used my newish 50mm f/1.4 for all these photos. Man, I love that lens. It's still taking some getting used to though. It leaves the background so buttery and pretty. mmmm. Loves it! I'm also going to include some photos from the first part of her shoot... back in October (I know, eek!!!!)
These are from Oct.