May 30, 2008


I changed my header... and a few other little things. I felt it was time for a change! Now here are some random pictures from the last few days :)

Old pic, just re-edited :)

My moms gorgeous Clematis...

My sister and one of her good friend's...

And last, but not least, coconut cupcakes I made a few weeks ago :)

And yes, that's a pineapple piece in the middle of that cupcake, I was trying to be creative, ok! lol

May 19, 2008


The weather here has just been FABULOUS... and I haven't picked up my camera once!! I've been outside enjoying it all too much. A few weeks ago I went to the beach for the weekend with a couple friends and got some great pics... and then last week I was able to get some of my uncles family :)

May 1, 2008


I did some of my friend's prom pictures this past Saturday, it was really fun and I love how they turned out. It was great practice too :) And the weather even cleared up that day making it all even better!

I've decided I'm going to make myself shoot something every day... no matter what. I feel like the only things I can take pictures of are my sisters, which I know isn't true. I need to make myself branch out and try new things...

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