April 24, 2008

Time for a little update!

I haven't really had the opportunity to take any new pictures lately. The weather has just been miserable and when your sisters don't really cooperate... Well, I'm forced to work with what I have. So here's a random mix of photos. All just portraits, nothing too exciting :) I'm doing my friend's prom pictures Saturday night and I'm so excited! I'm praying the weather stays nice like they're predicting... We'll see!!

You can stand under my umbrella.



April 7, 2008


Yesterday I made my sisters run outside while the sun was out and snapped a few pics of them. They weren't very happy about it, lol, but I was able to get a couple good shots! I can't wait until I get some new seniors... I have so many ideas in my head that I want to get out! :)

April 3, 2008

Spring Break!

I'm back! We left March 16th and got home March 29th! It was a blast. While we were there I got some GREAT shots that I just loooove. I've been editing almost everyday since we've been home, lol. Here are some of my favorites...