Ah man. I'm finally having photoshoots on a regular basis... and my camera gives me the 'error 99' message and won't work, at all. It happened right in the middle of my first family session last week... it was ok though, I was able to use a XTi, but since I don't really know that camera, it was sort of hard to use and the pics didn't turn out too good.. I mean I got some good ones, but not a ton that I love... aaaand tonight we went and returned my camera to Costco, they gave us a cash card with the full amount we paid for the camera, and we re-bought it online. Plus, the price dropped a few hundred, so we have some money left. I'm pretty happy :)
So on another note, I'm waiting on my logo, and I have three or four sessions lined up within the next week... three are this weekend :) It's pretty cool... with some of that money I'm going to buy a cheapo $200 bludomain site... Here are some pics from the session last weekend: